Our company recently competed to win an opportunity assisting newspapers build readership. We are delighted to get a chance to help.
While there are constantly surfacing reports of print media giants struggling to stay alive, it’s clear there is a definite need for newspapers and we hope they won’t be folding any time soon. And in our state, many small dailies and weeklies are doing pretty well, given the economic turmoil.
Let me try to answer this question: Why do we need newspapers?
Well, let’s see…
1. They spend more money reporting on local events and government than anyone else.
2. They are watchdogs of government, helping to thwart corruption and mismanagement.
3. They give us a chance to read more in-depth about subjects when compared to watching the one minute, 30 second package on TV.
4. Papers give us a chance to editorialize and respond to community happenings.
And of course, there are those ever-popular obits and comic sections.
Now, here’s the really important reason newspapers need to survive, and that’s why it’s in this PR Blog:
Public relations practitioners really need print journalists to cover our legitimate news and myriad clients.
Think about it. Where would we be without print reporters covering our stuff? Sure, online and viral are great. TV is slick with all the visuals and a deeply penetrating laser beam into large viewership. And those broadcast outlets are great for breaking news, too.
But to get real inroads to a very influential, educated and affluent audience, print is essential. What needs to happen now is that newspapers must find affordable, innovative delivery mechanisms to bring customized content to us when we want it…and how we want it.
Seems simple to me.
While I agree that we need to have government watchdogs and local coverage, I don’t necessarily think that it needs to come from *print* journalism.
Just because anyone with an internet connection and an opinion can have a blog doesn’t mean that interactive news is less legit than the newspaper.
Yes, newspapers need to survive, but not in print form. It is very possible to have thoughtful, editorial content on the web and as long as you invite your audience to participate in the analyzing the content through conversational approaches you can respond to the community happenings faster and more accurately.
“… affordable, innovative delivery mechanisms to bring customized content to us when we want it…and how we want it.” — that does not say *print* journalism to me, but *web* journalism.
And anyone who thinks otherwise, should consider this:
if the printed newspaper had never existed, and someone invented it today, would anyone bother to read it?
Love the comment. I understand your point. I like the convenience and urgency of Web-based news offerings. I don’t know if the public is as web savvy as you. There’s still a place for print. Just as there’s a place for traditional hardcover books.